Santander wants to provide all users the highest level of accessibility to the content of its website

Therefore, the Bank has initiated a process to improve the accessibility of its websites, working on their development and maintenance in accordance with the accessibility guidelines defined by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) working group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), at level AA.

In this regard, Santander has adopted the following measures:

  • Size of the text. The fonts used have relative sizes, so that the user can control their size from the browser they are using.
  • Design, browsing and interactivity. All pages on the website are designed with the same structure, to ensure a consistent browsing experience. The colour and contrast of the elements have been designed so that everyone can view them correctly.
  • Interpretation of graphics. The website’s non-decorative graphics include a description that makes the information contained in these graphics easier to understand. 
  • Links. In general, the website’s links have a meaning so that their function is self-explanatory.  
  • Browsers that do not support CSS. When accessing the website via a non‑CSS‑compliant browser, the semantic marking allows the correct display of all content.

When applying these measures, Santander took into account:

  • WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), at its recommended level (AA).  
  • W3C recommendation on Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS 2.1). 
  • Use of Html code verifying HTML5 recommendations.


If you experience any problems when accessing or using the website or you would like to make any suggestions in this regard, email US. Your opinion will contribute to the steady improvement of the website.

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